Simon Starling, 'Black Drop' (2012), film still
Image: courtesy of the artist and The Modern Institute/Toby Webster Ltd, Glasgow
Goonhilly Earth Station
Simon Starling
5 May – 3 June
Opening hours:
Tuesday to Sunday, 10am – 5pm
Film duration: 27 minutes 42 seconds
Simon Starling’s Black Drop (2012) is a single screen film projection that tells the story of the relationship between astronomy, photography and the beginnings of moving image technology. The film unfolds in a 35mm editing suite as an editor tries to bring structure and understanding to a varied array of material: footage made on location in Hawaii and Tahiti on the occasion of the June 2012 transit of Venus, archive material, and footage of the editing suite itself.
Black Drop will be presented in the Old Battery Store at Goonhilly Earth Station, with artist duo Semiconductor’s new commission As The World Turns.
Black Drop was produced in association with Modern Art, Oxford and the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford and is presented in Cornwall courtesy of the artist and The Modern Institute.