CAST, Helston
31 July - 28 August
Come to CAST to explore and play with shadow and light, make art and animation, and see great children’s world cinema throughout the summer holidays! Lightbox is a festival of free activities and entertainment for families, hosted in a specially constructed light box projection space.
Tuesday Lightbox
Make and do workshops will run every Tuesday from 31 July. Drop into Helston Museum any time between 10.30am and 2pm to make shadow puppets, props, miniature worlds and wind up theatres. Then, take your creations up the road to CAST and bring them to life in the Light Box animation studio.
Free admission, no booking required. Please be prepared to wait if sessions are particularly busy.
Saturday Lightbox
On Saturday mornings drop into CAST between 10am and 2pm where there will be opportunities to explore light and shadow play spaces, dress up and pose for old-fashioned portrait photography sessions or have a go on the magical camera obscura portrait drawing machine. Free admission, no booking required.
Lightbox Cinema
Watch children’s classic animations from around the world every Saturday afternoon throughout August. Animated shorts 3pm, feature 3.45pm in the Lightbox cinema, with popcorn, drinks and a range of snacks available from CAST Café. Free admission, no booking required. Weekly film listings and times to be announced.
Story Telling
Special events by The Story Republic will take place on Wednesday 15 and Wednesday 22 August.
Little Story Seekers: 10am – 11am
Story telling and song for pre-school-age children. Free admission, no booking required.
Story Adventurers: 11.30am – 1.30pm
Interactive sessions for five to eight year-olds, based on well-known fairy stories. Free admission, please book a place via the Cornish Riviera Box Office.
The Lightbox festival is funded by the Garcia Family Foundation, Feast, Little Parc Owles Trust and Arts Council England and is part of Groundwork, a season of exhibitions and events in special locations across Cornwall, organised by CAST in partnership with Newlyn Art Gallery & The Exchange, Kestle Barton and Tate St Ives. Lightbox is created by Lucy Grant of Heads & Hands, commissioned by CAST and hosted by CAST and Helston Museum.
Lucy Grant is a Cornwall based artist and children’s art educator, running ‘Heads and Hands’ art workshops locally as well as working in the education department at Tate StIves. She works to keep alive curiosity and hands-on creativity in childhood, through the handling of simple materials in response to the seasons, environment and the imagination.