Students from Falmouth School of Art and from the BA Creative Events Management programme at Falmouth University have visited the CAST building in Helston to participate in studio visits, artist-led workshops, discussions and communal meals. They are also warmly encouraged to participate in CAST’s public programme of screenings and talks.
Falmouth School of Art partners with CAST to organise guest lectures in their Guest Speaker series, taking advantage of artists and curators visiting in association with Groundwork activities. Falmouth University’s School of Film and Television has recently commissioned former students to undertake moving image documentation of David Paton’s five-day Groundwork field trip, ‘Tracing Granite’ and Tate curator Catherine Wood gave a very successful lecture at AMATA, Falmouth University’s performing arts centre. Choreographer Rosemary Lee will also give a talk there.
In January 2017, BA Creative Events Management students worked with artist Naomi Frears to develop ideas around curation and event programming. The students heard from the Groundwork team and learnt about the thinking behind programming for the project. Three students successfully applied for Groundwork work placements, supporting a residential workshop at Kestle Barton in May 2017.
‘I’d utterly recommend working with the Groundwork team to other students. Besides being an artistically ambitious project, there was a genuine sense of wanting to meaningfully engage with us. The team were all very welcoming and I hope that Groundwork goes on to engage and inspire people from across the county, the south west and perhaps further’
In May 2017 40 students from the School of Art – BA Fine Art, Illustration and Drawing – visited Helston to learn more about Groundwork and CAST. Studio artists Nicola Bealing and Ben Sanderson led a tour of the building and hosted visits to their studios. Nicola Bealing also led a visit to Helston Museum and made a presentation of paintings developed through research into the museum’s archive in 2016.
In 2016 CAST arranged a series of summer studio residencies for Falmouth University Fine Art students, an ongoing collaboration with the School of Art. A Fine Art graduate student was also selected for a year-long studio residency at CAST, funded from September 2017 to August 2018 by Cultivator.