Solstice Walk

Abigail Reynolds's podcast records an overnight group walk across the Lizard peninsula on the summer solstice.

Listening with headphones is recommended

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In June 2016 artist Abigail Reynolds and historian Sir Ferrers Vyvyan led an overnight walk on the Summer Solstice, setting off from Ogo-Dour Cove near Mullion on the west coast of the Lizard peninsula at dusk and reaching Godrevy beach, near St Keverne on the east coast, just before dawn.  The walk followed an ancient ceremonial track across Goonhilly Downs to Dry Tree and from there by fields and footpaths to St Keverne and the coast.

It rained hard for the entire walk. Abigail Reynolds’s podcast narrates the experience of the walk, combining her own recollections with sound recorded en route, and with references to Russell Hoban’s novel Riddley Walker (1980), her literary companion throughout the night.


Abigail Reynolds: an artist based in St Just, Penwith, voiced by herself
Sir Ferrers Vyvyan: the thirteenth Baronet of Trelowarren, a thousand-acre estate on the Lizard, voiced by himself
Victoria Vyvyan, voiced by herself
Riddley Walker: a fictional character in the eponymous novel by Russell Hoban, voiced by walker Ben Sanderson

Sound design and voice recording: Lucy Frears
Additional sound design and effects: Neil Rose
Solstice night recording: Chris Barstow
Text editors: Patrick Langley and Ellen Mara De Wachter
Producer: Teresa Gleadowe

© Groundwork and the contributors


Borlase, Antiquities of Cornwall, 1754 (2nd Ed. 1769) p, 459.
Russell Hoban, Riddley Walker, 1980
Oliver Rackham, The History of the Countryside, 1986
Alfred Watkins, The Old Straight Track: Its Mounds, Beacons, Moats, Sites and Mark Stones, 1988 (first published 1925)

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